Berkshire Sands
stillbirth and neonatal death charity
Support Line: 07936392644
Email: berkshiresands@hotmail.co.uk
This beautiful bespoke tree stands as a memory of babies gone but not forgotten.
It is a focal point for our remembrance and memorial activities across the year, including candle lighting, rainbow picnics, events to support Baby Loss Awareness Week and much more.
If you would like an engraved leaf with your baby's name placed on the tree please email Berkshiresandstree@gmail.com
We welcome all donations, as these help us continue funding leaves as well as maintenance for the tree. you can donate by clicking here or through our bank account:
sort code: 30-90-69
account number:36052168
We’d love to keep you updated about our activities, including any events that we may hold on Ray Mill Island. To ensure we can contact you appropriately and adhere to GDPR, please click here – choose Berkshire Sands as your local Group to receive information. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
If you have any further questions, please email berkshiresandstree@gmail.com or call 07598 929080